'Rangoli' is a Sanskrit word, signifying a creative expression of art by means of colors. In ancient times, beautiful rangoli patterns and designs were made on the entrances of Indian homes for beautifying them and welcoming the guests. Besides a creative expression of art, they were also considered a symbol of good-luck. Ours is the culture of, Athiti Devo Bhava means Guest is God. So, what can be better than rangoli in expressing this cultural mannerism and hospitality that we possess by tradition. Although rangoli is made on many occasions in India, but the Diwali festival witnesses the greatest use of rangoli. People made rangoli on the entrance doors of their homes on the auspicious occasion of Diwali, not only to welcome guests, but goddess Laxmi, the goddess of wealth.

Rangoli is an Indian traditional or folk art, which is generally created on the floor on some festive occasions. The Indian scriptures and puranas (hindu mythological literature works) can be attributed for the emergence of this creative rangoli art. This ancient Indian art is believed to be originated from the Indian state Maharashtra, from where it get gradually dispersed in the rest of the country.
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