
50 Useful Web Sites Of US Government

50 Useful US Government Web Sites
Here are 50 useful Government web sites for academics, which can be helpful to look at various trusted resources. These are about Education, Research, Science, Math, Medicine, Health Care, Social Science and many more…

Let’s look at these and get some trustful.

 Science and Math :
 DARPA :  The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
 :  About all things in science.
 USGS :  The U.S. Geological Survey.
 Joint Fire Science Program :  About fire science and ecology.
 Marine Mammal Commission :  Reports, updates and legislation about marine mammals.
 NOAA :  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
 National Science Foundation :  About science.
 NASA :  About the world of space.
 Academic Links :  About computer security.
 National Institute of Standards and Technology :  About technophile.
 Agricultural Research Service :  A great place for agricultural research.
 US Army Corps of Engineers :  About engineering.
 United States Botanic Garde :  About botanic gardens.

 Social Sciences :
 Federal Geographic Data Committee :  About geography, geospatial information and planning.
 U.S. Department of State :  About international relations and policies.
 IRS :  About Internal Revenue Service.
 Institute of Education Sciences :  About teaching and education resources.
 National Gallery of Art :  About art.
 National War College :  About war and history.
 Bureau of Labor Statistics :  About demographic groups in the U.S.
 U.S. Census Bureau :  About research academics.
 U.S. Commission of Fine Arts :  About arts.
 Congressional Budget Office :  About Economics, finance and political science.
 Domestic Policy Council :  About policy of White House.
 Economic Research Service :  About economy.
 United States Courts :  About law.
 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation :  About preserving history.

 Education and Research :
 :  For research and education.
 National Archives :  About records and information.
 OESE :  The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.
 ERIC :  A collection of education literature, journals and non-journals.
 House of Representatives :  A great research resource.
 United States Senate :  About bills, information and records.
 Supreme Court of the United States :  About the judicial branch.
 The United States Mint :  About money and U.S. mint.
 Library of Congress :  About resources.
 Fulbrigh t:  About international educational exchange.
 U.S. Department of Education :  About education policy.
 Federal Resources for Educational Excellence :  About research and education.
 Ben’s Guide :  Web sites for children. Best student resources.

 Medicine and Health Care :
 NIDA :  National Institute on Drug Abuse.
 AHRQ :  The Agency for Healthare Research and Quality.
 Health and Human Services :  About health related research subjects.
 Health Resources and Services Administration :  About different health issues.
 OSHA :  About workplace health and policy.
 MedlinePlus :  About medical scholars.
 Bioethics Resources on the Web :  A great resource for bioethics.
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention :  About public health.
 PubMed :  About peer reviewed medical papers.
 FDA :  The Food and Drug Administration.

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