
Time Person of the Year 2010 - Mark Zuckerberg

Time Person of the Year 2010 - Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg is the Time magazine’s Person of the Year 2010. Mark Zuckerberg is a co-founder of the biggest social-networking site Facebook. Meet the second-youngest individual ever to be named Time magazine’s Person of the Year 2010.

Richard Stengel announced the Time magazine’s Person of the Year on Wednesday 15th dec. 2010 and said that It is something that is transforming the way we live our lives every day. Facebook’s social engineering, changing the way we relate to each other. If we regularly use a computer and interact even minimally with Facebllk, we might feel as though we already know the 26 year old Mark Zuckerberg.

Mark Zuckerberg stands out for accomplishing something that’s never been done before, connecting millions of people and mapping the social relations among them. Stengel said that one in ten people on the earth is connect with Facebook that means Facebook passed 500 million users this year.
Let’s enjoy the live video of the announcing of Time Person of the Year 2010.

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